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Let me first start by saying in no way shape or form am I a nurse or Doctor. These are just a few tricks we learned while dealing with this problem.
If you are a parent then you have most likely heard of the dreadful COLIC! Our oldest daughter Kamree was severely colicky and when I say severe I mean she screamed 24/7 for 6 and 1/2 months straight. She is our 2nd child and let me just say we were lost on what to do for her when she started with it. We were then blessed to have not just one but both of the twins to be colicky but at least with them we had tips and tricks to help them.

   I'm not sponsored by any of the items that I will be mentioning and hopefully they work for you like they did us: here are our top 4 things that we found to work wonders
miracle worker

  •  Colic Calm: this little bottle of pure magic (at least in our eyes) worked wonders with Kamree and helped the Twins tremendously as well. We stumbled upon one early morning around 2 am while desperately searching for anything to do with Kam. It is on the expensive side but trust me its worth EVERY PENNY! Every pharmacy sells this miracle worker.
  •  Aloe Vera Juice: this stuff helps not only colic but for multiple things and is completely safe for youngest of babies. any Health food store will have this on their shelf.
  • Chiropractor: this one was new to us when the twins became colicky. Find one that works on infants and comes highly recommended by people. I wish we would have known about a chiropractor with kamree, the sooner you get your baby in the better and faster you see the results.  It is not like an adult adjustment so dont freak out and picture this awful painful picture like I did. The adjustments are very little pushing on spots and your baby will LOVE IT! I promise.
  • Reflexology: Find a Reflexologist near you and pay them a visit with your baby. You will be completely amazed at this whole appointment, I know I was! the things the woman was able to tell us and find out about the twins just by feeling their feet was crazy. she knew they were having bowel movement problems and everything. You will not be disappointed. However unlike the chiropractor the way the reflexoloist twist and flips your baby around in insane. But it does not hurt them and you can actually see the release of pain of your child's face. I have several friends who take their older children to one as well :)

        Colic is a stressful period for not just the baby but for everyone is the house.  We have been pushed to our last limits at times and had to lean on one another to get through it. Even our Bo Boy would get uneasy and whine right along with the screaming babies. The best advice I can give to anyone going through this right now is there is a light at the end of tunnel and its OK to put the baby down in a safe place and step outside for a few minutes to breathe. 

      Were any of your babies colic?  
    What tips do you have that I didn't mention?
    How did you handle the crying hours?

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