Monday, December 21, 2015

Meet us Monday (Ethan)

Our one and only boy Ethan Marshall was born on May 28th 2008. He surprised us weighing in at 9.9lbs 3/4oz. He was such a big baby. I remember the nurse trying to put a size newborn diaper on him, it wouldn't even fasten lol. Ethan was a fairly easy baby besides the whole first baby oh my goodness worries that new parents have, if your a parent you know what I'm talking about. All the 'is he breathing?", "is he warm enough, but not too warm?", "don't let him eat that", "don't let him play there and with that" and so on. We have always called him an old man in a child's body. He has always been so cautious and knowledgeable. The things he picks up and remembers are amazing even to this day. Ethan is definitely our story teller whether they are true or not. He once had his preschool teacher believing we lived on a cattle farm, where we
butchered our own cows for meat....we live in the middle of town, our backyard isn't big enough for a swing set, let alone cattle. But yet he had her totally convince, he even told her how we did everything. His sayings are just as crazy and hilarious as his stories. Once he told my sister in law he was born with a beer, but he wanted BBQ sauce(no clue).  He is completely obsessed with Godzilla, sharks, and dinosaurs. below are some questions I have asked him and the answers he gave me.

  • Favorite color: "you already now its red, why are you asking me again?"
  • Favorite thing: "GODZILLA!!!!!" "I hope Santa brings me some figures of him"
  • When you grow up: " I want to, you know watch, sharks and write about them." "but i also want to learn about dinosaurs, I don't know can I do more than one thing?"
  • Do you want to get married?: "NOOOOO!!!" " I want to be like Uncle Justin"
  • Do you want kids?: "ONLY BOYS!!!"


  1. Hahaha! He is hysterical! Maybe he will be a writer ;)

    1. Maybe he will! He definitely has the creativity for it

    2. Maybe he will! He definitely has the creativity for it
