Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Meet us Monday The Twins (late edition)

       These two bundles of joy were completely a surprise and has rocked our family in such a good way. Elayna Brooke and Kennedy Jaymes entered the world on June 16th 2015 via emergency C-Section. Elayna weighed 6.12 and Kennedy was 7.7 and are fraternal. They just turned 7 months old and oh how I wish time would slow down!!! They both are doing great and are reaching their milestones like champs.

      I tell people that the only thing identical about them is their birthdays and gender. These girls have nothing else in common. Kennedy is always a good 5 pounds heavier than Elayna, she is always happy and easy to please, and her eyes are hazel. Kennedy is also the more demanded of the duo and will let you know right away if she needs anything at all. Elayna on the other hand is so small compared to her sister and looks like a younger baby in general. She is loves to whine, literally she will just lay on the floor and whine/scream for no reason at all but to hear herself.  She tends to stay slightly ahead of Kennedy on their milestones, she will very slowly work up to let you know if she needs you, and her eyes are blue. I promise they are really twins ;)

      Some fun Facts about the girls are listed below for your entertainment:
Elayna(left) and Kennedy(right)
  1. Elayna was Baby A, Kennedy was Baby B.
  2. Elayna is 1 minute older than Kennedy
  3. Danny named Elayna and I picked out Kennedy's name
  4. Elayna is a spitting image of my mom, we call her baby Jane often
  5. Kennedy has my fathers name (James) as her middle name
  6. I completely dislike the way Danny spelled Elayna's name (but his choice)
  7. While pregnant with them they would fight each other (we watched them head butt each other during ultrasounds and I could fell it!)
  8. Elayne has tons of hair and Kennedy is bald
  9. Both girls were colicky
  10. For the first few months they couldn't stand to touch each other.
    Elayna(left) and a picture of my mom(right)


  1. So cute! I also am the mother of twins, and I named one of our boys, and my husband named the other. My boys are identical, but they still weigh at least 5 lbs apart too.

    1. it made it easier to name them that way lol. it baffles me how different they are. I was secretly hoping that they were identical and my husband was hoping they weren't lol

  2. One cuteness overload!!!! I have a total weak spot for twins!!!

    1. Thank you :) I have always loved twins but never imagined having any of my own....it has been an adventure
